Requiem For a Dream: RIP (Republic In Pieces) America

Today was a sad day in the history of nations. The bastion of freedom in the world, the United States of America, for over two centuries a Democratic Federalist Constitutional Republic, is now in tatters. It has fallen to enemies both foreign and domestic, but it was the domestic enemies who dealt its death blow. […]

Samuel Alito’s Address to Federalist Society

Following excerpt was taken from the Youtube’s auto-generated transcript of the video above, wherein Hon. Justice Samuel Alito, Jr., Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court, gave an address to the Federalist Society’s annual lawyer’s convention via the internet on 11/13/20. Alito is one of 6 Catholic justices seating on the SCOTUS and is regarded […]

Compliance or Noncompliance

The restrictions placed on our daily life forced many Americans to alter their habits and everyday routines. By now, wearing a mask, standing in line outside at a grocery store to meet the demands of mandated capacity or picking up a take-out order have become routine but while some are more compliant, others are grudgingly […]

Social Moralizing-A Reflection

“A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.”— Proverbs 15:1 I’ve been reflecting upon my own interactions on the social media and some related observations. Ever since the emergence of social media, it has accelerated a culture of impassioned opinions on issues of right and wrong. The opinions are thrown about, […]

A Comment on Racism in America

The great problem of certain emotionally charged ideologies (i.e. the racism in America) is built on a presupposition that it does not like to be challenged or even questioned