Michael the Archangel-Another Name and Title for Jesus
The phrase “Michael the Archangel” is mentioned once in holy Scripture. Let’s read the verse. “Yet Michael the Archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee (Jude 1:9) The word “archangel” is also mentioned in Thessalonians. […]
Response to “On Complete LGBTQ+ Acceptance in the Church”
Following is a response to an article published on Adventist Today (atoday.org) by Loren Seibold on September 24, 2021 entitled, “On Complete LGBTQ+ Acceptance in the Church”. Ellen White told no lie when she wrote: “We have far more to fear from within than from without. The hindrances to strength and success are far greater […]
Understanding Romans 2:13: Did Paul contradict himself?
“For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. (Romans 2:13) In Romans 2, the apostle Paul shifts from his polemic against the idolatrous and immoral Gentiles back in Romans 1 (something which all the nationalist Jews of his era would have likely uttered […]
Jerusalem: Old or New?
Many Christians these days are sorely confused about the role of Israel and the city of Jerusalem in end time Bible prophecy. It is their sincerely held belief that Israel in the flesh are still the chosen people of God, irrespective of their faith in Christ or lack thereof, and that Old [or earthly] Jerusalem […]